Laser Scanning
Point Cloud Data
3D Modelling
Using the latest Leica scanning equipment, terrestrial laser scanning collect millions of points to create a photo like point cloud encapsulating all data in the scanned area.
Laser scanning can help and reduce construction costs and mitigate risks by not endangering staff members in awkward or confined spaces.
The level of detail surveyed by a scanner also enables context compared to that of traditional survey methods.
Point cloud data and models can be arranged dependant upon your requirements.
Aerial SurveyS
Our team of fully insured, licensed and experienced UAV Controllers cut costs, deliver efficiencies and save time, being ready and able to assist Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Real Estate, Sports and Events organisations with aerial photography and videography services.
Our GPS assisted Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) with collision protection and active camera stabilisation are fitted with ultra-high resolution cameras capable of capturing images in in UHD (ultra-high definition) resolution (3840 x 2160p) and are even capable of producing 3D images by taking a combination of photographs and using software to correct images for distortion using elevation data before stitching them together to create a truly breathtaking result, one that is simply not possible from ground shots alone.
Some applications of aerial photogrammetry include:
Topographic mapping
Precise mapping of building outlines and roof structures to create 3-dimensional city models
Volumetric determination of stockpiles and mine voids
Preparation of Land Use maps
Tracking of project progression for clients
Promotional videography